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Top 7 Challenges with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a powerful framework that combines the strengths of information retrieval and text generation. By leveraging large language models (LLMs) alongside a knowledge base, RAG systems can generate highly informative and contextually relevant responses. The process involves retrieving relevant documents from the knowledge base and using them as context to generate answers to queries. Implementing RAG applications is straightforward, but making them robust, scalable, and highly accurate is a different story. Several significant challenges need to be addressed to optimize the system's performance.

In this blog, we'll dive into some of the most common issues faced when working with RAG systems and discuss potential solutions to overcome them. Our insights are based on the scientific paper "Seven Failure Points When Engineering a Retrieval Augmented Generation System" and the insightful blog article "12 RAG pain points and proposed Solutions" from Towards Data Science. By understanding these challenges, you can better navigate the complexities of RAG and enhance the effectiveness of your applications.

The challenges discussed in this blog are listed as:

  1. Missing Content in the Knowledge Base: The LLM provides incorrect answers due to the absence of necessary information in the knowledge base.
  2. Difficulty in Extracting the Answer from the Retrieved Context: The LLM fails to extract the correct answer from the context, often due to noise or conflicting information in the retrieved documents.
  3. Output in Wrong Format: The output from the LLM doesn't match the desired format, such as tables or lists.
  4. Incomplete Outputs: The model returns partially correct answers, missing some relevant information available in the knowledge base.
  5. Data Ingestion Scalability: Large volumes of data overwhelm the ingestion pipeline, affecting the system's ability to manage and process data efficiently.
  6. Secure Code Execution: Running executable code poses risks, including potential damage to the host server or loss of important data.
  7. Working with PDFs: Extracting data from complex PDFs with embedded tables and charts requires sophisticated parsing logic due to inconsistent layouts and formats.

Challenge 1: Missing Content in the Knowledge Base

One significant challenge in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems is missing content in the knowledge base. When the relevant information isn't available, the large language model (LLM) may provide incorrect answers simply because the correct answer isn't there to be found. Sometimes, the question might be tangentially related to the content, but the exact answer isn't present, leading the LLM to "hallucinate" and generate misleading information.

Potential Solution: Adjusting Your Prompt

One effective way to mitigate this issue is through prompt engineering. By carefully designing your prompts, you can guide the LLM to acknowledge the limitations of the knowledge base. For example, you can structure prompts to encourage responses like, "I cannot answer this question because there is no information about it in the knowledge base." This not only reduces the likelihood of the model generating false information but also makes it clear to the user that the answer might not always be available. This approach helps maintain the reliability and trustworthiness of your RAG system.

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Challenge 2: Difficulty in Extracting the answer from the Retrieved Context

Another common challenge in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems arises when the answer is present in the knowledge base, but the large language model (LLM) fails to extract it correctly. This often happens when the retrieved context contains too much noise or conflicting information, making it difficult for the LLM to pinpoint the right answer.

Potential Solution: Cleaning the Source Data

To address this issue, it's essential to ensure your source data is clean and well-maintained. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate retrieval results, decreased model performance, and increased computational overhead. Clean data is crucial for effective semantic search and retrieval, which are fundamental for any RAG system. Here are some methods to clean your data:

  • Remove Duplicates: Duplicate entries can bias the retrieval process and lead to redundant or misleading information.
  • Remove Irrelevant Data: Irrelevant data can slow down the system and confuse the LLM, reducing the accuracy of the retrieved information.
  • Clear Formatting: Address formatting issues such as extra spaces, special characters, or inconsistent date formats to ensure uniformity and readability.

By implementing these data cleaning practices, you can significantly improve the performance and reliability of your RAG system, ensuring that the LLM extracts the correct answers from the knowledge base.

Challenge 3: Output in Wrong Format

A common issue with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems is the large language model (LLM) producing output that doesn't match the desired format. For instance, you might instruct the LLM to extract information as a table or a list, but it ignores the instruction and provides the data in a different format.

Potential Solutions

To tackle this problem, one effective solution is to incorporate output parsers into your RAG pipeline. Tools like LlamaIndex support integrations with output parsing modules from frameworks such as Guardrails and LangChain. These modules allow you to define custom output schemas, ensuring the generated content adheres to the required format.

Example Using LangChain's Output Parsing Modules:

from llama_index.core import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.core.output_parsers import LangchainOutputParser
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from langchain.output_parsers import StructuredOutputParser, ResponseSchema

# Define custom output schemas
custom_schemas = [
        description="Describes the author's hobbies and interests.",
        description="Lists the author's key skills and competencies.",

# Create a custom output parser
custom_output_parser = StructuredOutputParser.from_response_schemas(custom_schemas)

# Attach the custom output parser to the language model
llm = OpenAI(output_parser=custom_output_parser)

Another robust solution involves using Pydantic programs. A Pydantic program is an abstraction that converts input strings into structured Pydantic models. These models are classes with fields defined as annotated attributes. When data is passed to a Pydantic model, it is parsed, validated, and guaranteed to conform to the specified field types. LlamaIndex provides various types of Pydantic programs, such as Text Completion Pydantic Programs, Function Calling Pydantic Programs, and Prepackaged Pydantic Programs.

Example of a Text Completion Pydantic Program:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List

from llama_index.program.openai import OpenAIPydanticProgram

class Book(BaseModel):
    title: str
    author: str
    pages: int

class Library(BaseModel):
    name: str
    location: str
    books: List[Book]

prompt_template_str = """\
Generate an example library, with a name, location, and a list of books. \
Using the city {city_name} as inspiration.\

program = OpenAIPydanticProgram.from_defaults(
    output_cls=Library, prompt_template_str=prompt_template_str, verbose=True

output = program(
    city_name="Paris", description="Data model for a library."

For further use cases and examples, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation on output parsing modules.

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Challenge 4: Incomplete Outputs

The model sometimes returns partially correct answers but misses some relevant information even though it's available in the knowledge base. This incomplete output can occur when information is scattered across multiple documents, yet the model retrieves data from only one.

Potential Solution: Query Transformations

One effective method to tackle this issue is through query transformations. This technique systematically modifies the original query to enhance the accuracy and completeness of the answers provided. Query transformations involve converting an original query into another form that the LLM can process more effectively. These transformations can be performed in a single-step or multi-step fashion:

  • Single-Step Transformations: Modify the query once before executing it against an index, making it more suitable for the LLM to handle.
  • Multi-Step Transformations: Use an iterative approach where the query is transformed and executed in several steps, refining the search and retrieval process to ensure completeness.

Use Cases for Query Transformations in LlamaIndex:

  1. Converting the Original Query for Better Embedding: Hypothetical Document Embeddings (HyDE) generate a hypothetical document from the query for embedding lookup, instead of using the initial query, to improve retrieval alignment.
  2. Single-Step Query Conversion: Convert the original query into a subquestion that can be more easily resolved with the available data.
  3. Multi-Step Query Splitting: Split the original query into several subquestions that can be individually addressed, ensuring all relevant information is retrieved from multiple documents if needed.

By employing query transformations, you can significantly improve the completeness of the responses generated by your RAG system, ensuring that all relevant information from the knowledge base is accurately retrieved and presented.

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Challenge 5: Data Ingestion Scalability

Data ingestion scalability becomes a significant challenge when implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems in enterprise environments. Large volumes of data can overwhelm the ingestion pipeline, making it difficult for the system to efficiently manage and process the data. If the ingestion pipeline isn't scalable, it can lead to longer ingestion times, system overload, and poor data quality.

Potential Solution: Implementing Parallel Ingestion Pipelines

To address the challenge of data ingestion scalability, implementing parallel ingestion pipelines can be a robust solution. LlamaIndex's parallel ingestion pipelines are specifically designed to handle large data volumes by distributing the ingestion process across multiple parallel streams. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can ensure that their data ingestion processes are scalable, reliable, and efficient, even as data volumes grow.

This approach not only enhances the performance of the ingestion pipeline but also supports the seamless integration and processing of vast datasets, which is critical for enterprise operations. By distributing the workload, the system can maintain high performance and data quality, ensuring that the RAG system functions optimally even under heavy data loads.

Challenge 6: Secure Code Execution

Large language models (LLMs) can generate executable code to solve complex problems, from routine tasks to running SQL code for database manipulation. While building agents with code execution capabilities is powerful, it also carries significant risks. Running executable code can potentially damage the host server or delete important data files, making it a dangerous endeavor.

Potential Solution: Using Dynamic Sessions in Azure Container Apps

To mitigate these risks, dynamic sessions in Azure Container Apps offer a secure and scalable solution. These sessions provide fast access to a code interpreter that is fully isolated and designed to run untrusted code. LlamaIndex integrates this feature as a tool that can be utilized by any agent. Here’s an example of how to create a ReActAgent from LlamaIndex:

1. Initiate an LLM hosted on Azure with your configurations:

from llama_index.llms.azure_openai import AzureOpenAI

llm = AzureOpenAI(

2. Create a session pool to host the executions, which provides a management endpoint URL needed for LlamaIndex:

from import AzureCodeInterpreterToolSpec

azure_code_interpreter_spec = AzureCodeInterpreterToolSpec(
    local_save_path="local_file_path_to_save_intermediate_data"  # Optional, saves Python Code's output

3. Set up everything to create a LlamaIndex ReActAgent:

from llama_index.core.agent import ReActAgent

agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(
    azure_code_interpreter_spec.to_tool_list(), llm=llm, verbose=True

The created agent is now ready to perform tasks using the code execution tool. It can safely inspect and execute code, such as manipulating CSV files to answer user questions. For more use cases and detailed information, you can refer to LlamaIndex's blog article on secure code execution.

Challenge 7: Working with PDFs

Extracting data from complex PDFs that contain embedded tables and charts presents numerous challenges. These documents often have unstructured data with inconsistent layouts and formats, including nested tables and multilevel headers that span multiple rows or columns. Naive chunking and retrieval algorithms typically perform poorly on such documents, necessitating sophisticated parsing logic.

Potential Solution: LlamaParse

To overcome these challenges, LlamaIndex has developed LlamaParse, a genAI-native document parsing platform that directly integrates with LlamaIndex. LlamaParse is designed to parse PDFs with complex tables into a well-structured markdown format, ensuring the data quality required for downstream LLM use cases, such as advanced RAG.

One of LlamaParse's key features is the ability to provide parsing instructions to the model, similar to how you instruct a language model. You can describe the complex documents and specify the layout, tables, or charts present in your data. Additionally, you can guide the parser to extract data in the desired format, which can then be utilized in your RAG pipeline. This ensures that even the most intricate PDFs are parsed accurately, maintaining the integrity and usability of the extracted data.

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Cagdas Davulcu


Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) offers a powerful method by combining the strengths of information retrieval and text generation, leveraging large language models (LLMs) and a knowledge base. While implementing RAG applications can be straightforward, ensuring their robustness, scalability, and accuracy involves addressing several critical challenges. 

By adopting strategic solutions, developers can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of RAG systems. Emphasizing clean and well-structured data, robust query handling, and scalable ingestion processes is key to leveraging the full potential of RAG in generating precise and contextually relevant responses. As these systems continue to evolve, overcoming these challenges will be crucial for advancing the efficiency and accuracy of information retrieval and text generation tasks across various applications.